I've now been back in the UK for well over a month. The wedding was well worth the flight back and I'm glad I was able to make the effort and attend. I've uploaded a few photos from the event, so anyone that was there can take a look at http://www.arseaboutface.com/wedding for some remarkably un-embarrassing images. Had a great time, and met some great people. Hope the rest of your time together is just as much fun Richard and Eoife.
Managed to get myself completely kitted out with motorcycle equipment (see above, very dashing image) while I've been back, so I'll be ready to get on with adventuring as soon as I return to Australia. I'm hopefully due to fly out at the end of August. (Terrorist plots / acts of random paranoia permitting of course)
I even tried to write a few begging letters to see if I could get any kit for free. Unfortunately I've never mastered the art of self-promotion, so my efforts garnered me pretty much squat in the way of free goodies. I did manage to get a good discount from Arai for the helmet though, so kudos to them for stepping up to the plate and helping out.
I customised it a little bit as you can see from the picture above. (it's a cartoon 'Sly-Fox' which I use as an avatar when lurking around the internet. Fascinating eh?!) Other than that I got a couple of polite "oh we've expended our budget for the year" responses, but most people didn't even bother to reply. It just doesn't help not being famous when you're scrounging I suppose. :0)
Other than a very short blast on a bike in New Zealand last year, I've not really ridden a bike since I passed my test! I'm sure it'll all come flooding back though. Just keep the round black rubber things in contact with the ground as much as possible I reckon, what could possibly go wrong?!
Oh, I always do all my reading in full bike gear, it erm...aids the concentration, yes that's it.