15 December 2007

Chasing the Dragon...

The train was good fun, although it did get a little monotonous after a while, especially not being able to talk to my companions in the carriage; however even if I had been able to, it seemed they were taking the opportunity to catch up on their sleep.

My companions on the train from Xiamen to Shanghai

The dining-car had been taken over as an impromptu HQ for the Chinese military, so the options for food were diminished to the bloke with the handcart full of instant noodles. Getting my grubby little mitts on any was another matter though. I think he must have been training for the Beijing Olympics, as by the time you knew he was coming, he'd blasted past at a great rate of knots, and you were forced to run up the train to catch him.

En-route to Shanghai from Xiamen

And thusly, after enduring a long and quite comfortable train journey if I were to be honest, I arrive in the bustling metropolis of Shanghai. Although it wasn't exactly 'bustling' when I showed up, what with it being about midnight n'all, I suppose it could bustle in it's sleep; but I didn't notice.

The glory that is Shanghai (image NOT approved by the Chinese Tourism Board), ok it was raining as well

Turns out Shanghai is quite cold at this time of year, what with it being substantially further north than Xiamen, and it being December (well duuuh); although I must admit it is turning out to be a welcome change from heat of previous months. It's quite a novelty to be able to see one's breath when walking the streets; although I could do without the throat tickling smog.

Shanghai, the up-market area

Have been taking in the sights (glimpsed through the ever-present haze), and trying to organise where I need to be to meet my ship.

This was some fellow's house, built entirely out of whatever he could find, and erected under the motorway.

Somewhere on the river is about as far as i've got so far, and it's a pretty long river. Hopefully I'll be able to narrow it down by the time we sail, as it's a long swim otherwise, and I don't really fancy the look of the water around here.

Bikes as far as the eye can see, outside the local metro station

Not having a lot of luck uploading photos, these are the only ones i've managed to get online at the moment:

Old meets new in China, old loses

Singapore at night, sponsored by DHL for some reason

Singapore at night

Gulangyu an island off the coast of Xiamen (also an island)

One of the many craft plying the waters between Xiamen and Gulangyu

This is the cheapest option for crossing the water to Gulangyu, row yourself

This is probably the last update before I board the ship for Italy (at least I HOPE I'll be boarding ths ship to Italy), so there will be a bit of a gap between now and the next update.


  1. Anonymous12:08 am

    As we may not hear from you before hand, I thought I'd wish you a Merry Christmas. Safe travels and don't get too sea-sick!

  2. Anonymous7:16 pm

    Merry Xmas! Rahhhh!

  3. Anonymous5:01 am

    it's been 27 days...

    lost to pirates off the Somali coast me'thinks....

    what are we going to do now without your fantastic blog to keep us amused and pretending it was ourselves with enough bottle to drop it all and go on such an amazing adventure?

    ps when you do get to Genoa Ryanair fly there from Stanstead, could be a cheap trip home :)
