22 August 2012

The eyes have it...

Gosling One has been augmented during her stay in the motorcycle hospital. Much like the Million Dollar Man she has been improved, although the budget was more along the lines of a few dollars and whatever I could find lying around. But that's not quite as catchy for a TV series.

First up and most importantly she now sports some rather snazzy eye wear:

A rather shiny [when they're switched on at least] pair of LED spot lights. The original headlight is about as useful as an asthmatic firefly in a coal mine, so the addition of something that could perform laser eye surgery on a kangaroo at 300 metres was a bit of a no-brainer really. If anyone wants to know what they were or how the hell I fitted them without electrocuting myself, feel free to drop me an email.

21 August 2012

50 Shades of Murky Orange...

For those that have been keeping anxious vigil at Gosling One's bedside, the prognosis is good! Behold:

She's feeling a lot better after her extended stay in the motorcycle hospital, under the care of Dr Hammers, a.k.a me.

The parts arrived [eventually], I managed to fit them without setting fire to anything or causing localised plague outbreaks and she now runs like she always did. In other words, straight off the highway and into mischief.

I also took the opportunity of her not being able to escape my clutches, to make a few modifications based on my experiences of rattling around Australia and the various pickles we found ourselves in. Details will follow in another update. I can tell you're all excited about that by the hushed silence.