20 December 2012

Jingle jangle jungle...

Ah the festive season is upon us once again and what better way of lessening the pain of receiving yet another unfeasibly jolly jumper and pair of reindeer themed socks, than reading an article penned by yours truly about crashing a motorcycle through a very remote and tropical region of Australia?

Adventure Bike Rider issue 14 should be as stuffed as a Christmas turkey with literary delights just waiting to warm your cockles and bring a sparkle to your Xmas sale jaded eyes. More exciting than a visit from Santa himself, more fun than a royal baby and guaranteed to have no batteries included.

Lurking within the pages like the inevitable orange at the foot of many a Christmas stocking, should be the story of my attempts to reach the most remote northern tip of Australia - Cape York. As is fairly standard, nothing comes easily for Gosling One and myself so it's filled with tales of excitement, adventure, 'daring do' and quite nearly some actual 'do'.

More entertaining than a sack of coal and less irritating than a Cliff Richard Christmas song, what's not to like?

Should be released onto the unsuspecting public very soon. Adventure stories from the tropics...take that winter!