30 November 2011

We're back baby...

That's right we are, or at least I am. Back, back in the Counterweight Continent, the land of pie floaters, springy mammals and inordinately friendly locals: Australia. Gosling One, my faithful and loyal steed from the 44,347km road trip completed earlier, never left of course. I've just got to find her, and get her back! I'm comin' darlin!

I'm now based over in Western Australia, a few hours south of Perth. The plan (if it can be called such a thing) is to launch an all out assault on the unsuspecting Australian book publishers, agents and anyone that doesn't move fast enough, in an attempt to get 'Arse About Face' the book finally published.

I'll be updating this blog more frequently now as it also updates my main website over at www.arseaboutface.com, and with any luck of course, there will be plenty of reasons to update.

There's a cunning scheme in the making at the moment, so if it all pans out beautifully (what? when have any of my plans ever not worked out?) anyone that reads this will be the first to know; other than me, I'd like to think I'd know first.

23 November 2011

Adventure Bike Rider...I read therefore I am

Issue 4 of Adventure Bike Rider magazine, published a feature of mine based on the Tasmanian leg of the Australia journey.

It's was on sale in magazine format a few months back, but I reckon enough time has passed now to offer it up to all those that missed it. You can download it by following the links in the top right of the website, or clicking this link here. [5.4mb download]

It even warranted a mention on the cover (the Outback Tasmanian bit), I certainly won't be using this particular periodical as emergency toilet paper that's for sure!

It can't have been that bad as they asked me for another one! Suckers Erm... I mean, people of fine literary taste.

Next up will be the tale of trying to reach Cape York at the most Northern point of Australia. Not sure on the publication date for that one yet, but when I know, everyone I know will know as well.

That thing that's the opposite of nothing happening...

...that's it, something happening!

I've been hard at work, honest, stop snickering at the back; tinkering with the Arse About Face website fine tuning the inner workings, generally breaking things and causing all sorts of mischief. But the end result is that I can finally use my old blog, to update the news on my official website!

I was impressed, I can tell by the stunned silence that everyone reading this is in awe.

I'll updating the blog more often now as things Watson, are afoot!