30 May 2006

Burn baby burn...

Melbourne certainly takes the cake for innocent yet surprisingly destructive 'art' installations. Every day at 9pm some columns of concrete surrounded by a curtain of water that are embedded along the banks of the Yarra river reveal their true nature. They are in fact, 30ft high flamethrowers which disgorge an impressive pyrotechnics display for no particular reason other than they can. Can't really see the point, although it does make you go 'oooohhh, aaaahhh' the first couple of times.

Innovative way to control the pigeons I reckon.

Flying to Perth tomorrow morning at 6am, which means being at the bus station by 3:30am to enable me to catch the right bus to get me to the airport. Nice!


  1. Anonymous11:48 am

    holy cow! very cool photo's.

    thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous8:23 am

    Lovely stuff! Travel weary and a whole year older! Enjoy Perth!

  3. Anonymous5:39 am

    Glad to see your still having fun, and also finding the time to leave me random MSNs because i'm sleeping :p
